Welcome to my new blog! After 16 years in the 3D visualisation and graphical design business, it is time for me to share some of the possibilities and workflows that I am working with on a daily basis. I will try not to be to technical. I will rather focus on how one can use 3D-images and visual effects in marketing, information etc. and how one can make big savings by using these workflows compared to using a more traditional workflow with photos for example.
Here is a first image I did a few years ago, just to get a glimpse of what I am talking about. Taking photos of cars is one of those tasks that is really challenging using a traditional camera. A car is so reflective that it is really hard to establish a good lightning, even in a studio. A lot of post work is needed to delete all reflections of different elements from the studio, such as the camera itself, lightning rigs etc. In the digital 3D studio however, one can easily get clean results with nice reflections that show only what you want to be shown. Further, one can easily "paint" with the lights to enhance shapes and surfaces. And, you really don´t need to ship the car and crew, actually, the car doesn´t even need to exist!
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